Net Positive Coaching
Holistic Money Coaching
Create a plan for your future without overwhelm, stress and confusion.
Experience more pleasure and joy with your money today.
Empowering people to spend, save and invest with confidence.
So much of traditional financial education is overly logical and doesn’t take emotions and different lived experiences into account.
True transformation with money requires us to look at a variety of factors: your vision for your life, your values, your relationship to money growing up and your boundaries.
Your relationship with money is directly related to your relationship with time, freedom, creative expression, the capacity to develop & contribute your gifts to the world and live your values.
Confidence with money comes from having a space to explore all of these topics free from judgment and shame. Coaching can help you realize that you were never actually bad with money, you were simply unaware.
What if you could learn how to treat yourself to indulgences, guilt-free?
What if your goals were actually what you wanted versus what you think you “should” be doing?
What if you could finally learn to trust your desires?

You don’t need to become a money expert to live a rewarding life that reflects what you care about.
You already have everything you need.
Let me help you discover it.
About Me
Hi, I’m Selomé!
I used to believe I was bad with money. As the daughter of a single immigrant mother, I did everything right - I went to a good school and got a job. When I found myself underpaid and buried in debt, I felt like a failure, wondering why it seemed easier for others. With my back against the wall I was forced to face my financial reality head-on. It started to seem like things were under control, the problem (as I saw it) was that I didn’t make enough money. If I just made more money, then all my problems would disappear.
When I finally made six figures for the first time in my life, initially, I felt some relief but then slowly scarcity crept back in. This led to emotional spending and fluctuating savings. I thought that I had healed my relationship with money but in reality I had been trying to obsessively control it. I realized I had been outsourcing my worth, my validation, and my safety to money, when I had to search for all of those things within myself.
I learned that money won’t heal your wounds with money. Money is a mirror for our self worth and beliefs about ourselves and more money will only amplify what is already there. Recognizing all this doesn’t mean that my old money stories are gone, I have just shifted how I relate to them. When my old patterns pop up, I see them as stories, things that I can choose to believe or not.
I learned that once we uncover the origins of our money stories and wounding, we have the choice to choose differently. Our reality can shift once we stop living life as a victim to money and instead recognize the power we have to change our relationship to money.
I would be honored to show you the way.